Current Club Standings
View the Current Club Standings
Final Standings will be posted after the banquet in the fall.
2023–2024 Year–End Standings
2023–2024 Year End Standings are located here.
2022–2023 Year–End Standings
2022–2023 Year End Standings are located here.
2021–2022 Year–End Standings
2021–2022 Year End Standings are located here.
2020–2021 Year–End Standings
2020–2021 Year End Standings are located here.
2018–2019 Year–End Standings
2018–2019 Year End Standings are located here.
2017–2018 Year–End Standings
2017–2018 Year End Standings are located here.
How to Qualify for Year End Awards
- Be a member in good standing and have no debt to the club or CGA.
- Ride all six (6) events in seven (7) full shows of our eleven (11) show season. Or the equivalent of 65% of the events offered in a season.
- Ride at least one (1) of the last three (3) shows of the regular season.
- Work at least one-half of one (1/2) event at each show you attend.
- Lead-liners may qualify for year end awards if they meet all the above criteria.