Year End Awards


Both Modjeska Mavericks and CGA offer many programs for Year End Awards. Some are based on performance and some on participation. Some involve competing against other riders and some involve competing only against yourself and the clock.

Information, Entry Forms, and Current Club standings can be found on this site and at the California Gymkhana Association web site

Click Here to see the current Year–End Standings

Modjeska Mavericks Club Awards

Participate in Modjeska Mavericks shows for Year–End club awards

Blue Ribbon

In order to qualify for any year–end awards a rider must:

  1. Be a member in good standing and have no debt to the club or CGA.
  2. Ride all six (6) events in seven (7) full shows of our eleven (11) show season. Or the equivalent of 65% of the events offered in a season.
  3. Ride at least one (1) of the last three (3) shows of the regular season.
  4. Work at least one-half of one (1/2) event at each show you attend.
  5. Lead-liners may qualify for year end awards if they meet all the above criteria.

Find out just how fantastic the prizes will be!

Perfect Attendance

Modjeska Mavericks gives a very cool year–end award for Perfect Attendance. To earn this award, you MUST ride EVERY EVENT at EVERY SHOW!

Without YOU the shows would be a dud!

Modjeska Mavericks is YOUR club. Without you, the members, the club would have no reason to exist.

We need YOUR HELP... at every show!

It takes a lot of people to run a successful show. From the club officers who schedule, arrange and manage to the volunteers who set up, judge, and maintain the arena, everyone plays an important part. In addition, we need gate people, announcers, pole-setters, and timekeepers for each event. Every one is a volunteer!

In order to run a successful show, we ask each and every participant to work one-half of one (1/2) event each show. That isn't a lot to ask. Maybe 30-45 minutes of your time.

To qualify for a year–end club award you MUST work at EVERY show in which you compete.

If you are a parent with a child who competes, teach them teamwork and responsibility by example. Work a shift yourself and ensure your child works one too. Maybe work together and make it a family effort!

Gymkhana teaches more than how to ride a horse. The lessons taught and the lessons learned by example will serve to improve everyone's world.

Thank You All for your efforts to make the Modjeska Mavericks a fantastic club with fantastic people!

California Gymkhana Association Awards

Sign up for CGA Year End Awards

  • Earn Buckles, Tack Silver, Jackets and more!
  • Enter as an individual or a family.
  • Participation in any CGA recognized show counts towards these awards.