The SECOND Show of the 2024—2025 Season

Saturday 2 November 2024 Barrels Seasons

NOTE: The Show is in the NEW ARENA (Clark)

Sign-up opens at 7:45am Promptly

Grand Entry at 8:45am

Competition begins at 9:00am

NOTE: July was the final show of the 2023–2024 season. Placings were NOT announced. There were NO day awards or hi–point announced. There were no buy–backs. This was the last show to use buy-backs from this season. Final Season Results and Standings will be announced at the Awards Banquet in the fall.

FAST Times, FUN Times for All!


Questions, Comments Concerns?

Call or Text Johnny Tassone at 951‑808‑7892


A Note About Schooling Runs

If you are wanting to ride a Schooling Run on ANY horse other than the one you are riding in the show ... you MUST fill in a separate Show Sign–Up Form for EACH horse.

For more information see the Show Secretary at the Sign–Up Booth.

Thank you.

A Note About SETUPS

Dear Racers,

Set–Ups may be requested no later than 48 hours before a show. Email or call Johnny Tassone at 951‑808‑7892

Please understand that setups are run if this city controlled arena allows us the time and/or lights. In order to run requested setups the riders who do run are mandated to be sure there are supporters willing to assist with setting up, taking down and to work through these extra events. Johnny is always available to judge - but please understand that Johnny and others are required to stay usually more than an extra hour after the show ends to clean up your areas, collect, organize and store all the equipment in the trailer before we can leave the show grounds.

If you're running any needed setups, please be prepared to assist or provide supporting volunteers to work the events so you can have successful runs.

We are fully supportive of all of our racers to meet their year end goals, but we can't do it without you, your family and friends.

The MM17 board members thank you all!

Johnny Tassone
President Modjeska Mavericks Gymkhana Club
CGA District 17

Important Rule Change!

Riders may now keep up to 60 days of points when they join the Club. So ... if you rode in September, missed the October show, and signed up in November as a club member ... you get to keep ALL your points all the way back to September! (The OLD rule was only 30 days.)

Modjeska Mavericks Club Rules may be found here.

Just a Reminder...

To qualify for Year–End Awards, you much ride one of the last three shows of the season. (May, June, or July).

To qualify for Year–End awards, you MUST work one-half of one event at each show you attend.

Cell Phones are NOT allowed while working! Please put your Cell Phone away and stay focused on your job. (This is for safety AND to ensure that times are written down correctly.)

You may have someone else work for you (just let us know).

Children under 11 years old MUST have an adult accompany them while working.

New and Exciting ... Online Forms ...

Please ensure you completely fill out your Show Sign‑up Form!

FormsThe Importance of Forms: It is very important that every rider fill out the Show Sign‑up form COMPLETELY ... this is not only for the club. It is also for CGA so that all your shows and points are properly recorded for you and your horse.

The Good News: You can download the Sign‑up Form HERE and fill it out once. Then each show, just change the date, SAVE the form and EMAIL it to the Bring your money and any buybacks on show day and your form will be there ready to sign. This will really help get the show started on time! Or print it out and sign it and bring it to the show. Much easier and your information will be exactly the same every time!

Please Note: Show Sign-up Forms MUST be emailed to the Show Secretary BEFORE 12:00 Noon on the day before the show (usually Friday). Otherwise, just print out the form and bring it to the show. Thank you to everyone who helps make the shows run smoothly.

You saw it here FIRST ... Club Membership AND Show Sign‑up Forms may now be filled out online and saved to your computer or printed out.

Please Note: Microsoft Edge does not play well with others. If you are using Microsoft Edge as your browser, you must download the forms and open them on your computer in order to fill them out. Then you may save them and just change the date each show.

Please Also Note: If the forms don't work on your computer ... ensure that Adobe is the default application for PDF file (and NOT Microsoft EDGE). Go to Settings: Apps: Default Applications to set this. ALSO, ensure you have the latest version of Adobe Reader . It's Free from .

Regular Show Sign‑up

Club Membership Form for Norco Residents

Club Membership Form for Non‑Norco Residents

You do NOT have to fill in the form again and again for every show ... Click Here for more information.

Save Time, Save Ink ...

This is YOUR web site ... help make it great ... Under Construction

Check back often for new features and updated information.

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